

Max width 120mm
Dry finishing
1-2 stations

Ideal for rectangular tubes and bars finishing up to 120mm in width.


FC120 flat finishing machines were developed thinking in the simplicity of operation whenever flat bars, rectangular tubes or flat elements need to be belt finished or polished.

These machines enable the work up to 120mm in width with a range of 2 possible combinations of belt heads and brushes.

FC120 Z has one abrasive belt unit, while FC120 ZK combines the abrasive belt head with an abrasive brush.


Technical Description


Abrasive belt head
Abrasive belt head
Abrasive belt head

Finishing and removing imperfections of square and rectangular tubes, flat bars or any flat component.

Abrasive brush head
Abrasive brush head
Abrasive brush head

Smooth finishing after belt grinding operation with non-woven brush.

Square or rectangular tube finishing
Square or rectangular tube finishing
Square or rectangular tube finishing

High quality of surface finishing on stainless steel tubes, tube after tube.

Flat bars finishing
Flat bars finishing
Flat bars finishing
Single belt machine
Single belt machine
Single belt machine

FC120 Z features one single abrasive belt head.

Quick abrasive belt replacement
Quick abrasive belt replacement
Quick abrasive belt replacement

Tool-free abrasive belt replacement. Fast and easy belt change in few seconds.

Transport of small items
Transport of small items
Transport of small items

NS Máquinas can supply different conveyor solutions in order to grind small items.

Demonstration VIdeos

FC120 ZK – Flar Bar and Rectangular Tube Finishing Machine


FC120 ZK
Working capacity (mm)120x120
No. belt stations (Z)1
No. brush stations (K)1
Abrasive belt dimensions (mm)120x1850
Abrasive brush dimensions (mm)120xØ200
Abrasive belt speed (m/s)20
Abrasive brush speed (m/s)15
Feeding speed (m/m)6+12
Abrasive belts motor (kW)(x1) 3
Abrasive brush motor (kW)(x1) 1.5
Feeding motor (kW)0.25
Total power (kW)4.75
Consumption (A)12
Dust extraction connection (Ømm)(2x) 80
Dimensions (mm)1370x900x1760
Weight (kg)470



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