

Max Ø 114mm
Straight and curved tubes
1 station

Straight and curved round tube wet finishing up to Ø114mm with maximum flexibility and consistency.


Round tube wet-operation finishing machine – MLW100 – is the perfect choice for finishing and polishing round tubes, oval tubes and elliptical tubes with water cooling system.

The ML planetary system allows the work to be done without rotating the tube, delivering the best results on both bent and curved tubes as well.

The auto feeding system transports straight tubes safely and automatically through the finishing station, delivering a consistent and highly productive tube polishing quality.

The wet system enables a faster cooling of the tube as well as the possibility of working different metals simultaneously such as aluminum tubes, stainless steel tubes.


Technical Description

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Round Tube Finishing Machine MLW100Z
Minimum tube vibration even on the longest tubes
Minimum tube vibration even on the longest tubes

With the ML Planetary System the tube is not spinning. The abrasive belts rotate around the tube while it is safely transported by the feeding systems.

Straight or curved tube polishing
Straight or curved tube polishing
Straight or curved tube polishing

The MLW100 was designed to finish either straight tubes (automatically) or bent tubes (manually).

Water-cooling system
Water-cooling system
Water-cooling system

To reduce temperature and prevent dust in the grinding area, a closed-circuit water-cooling system is employed. Water is sprayed onto the finishing area, filtered, and then pumped back into the machine.

Automatic filtration and pumping system
Automatic filtration and pumping system
Automatic filtration and pumping system

As an alternative to the standard manual system, the automatic option provides a continuous renovation and monitoring of the filter paper’s cleanness, avoiding the operator having to perform this task. 

Solid and sturdy construction
Solid and sturdy construction
Solid and sturdy construction

With an isolated compartment for the motors behind the wet finishing area, the MLW100 is a solid and professional machine designed for wet tube finishing. 

Oval tubes
Oval tubes
Oval tubes

Oval or elliptical tubes polishing or simply out-Oval or elliptical tube polishing or simply out-of-round tubes can be safely and consistently finished using the MLW100.

Finishing after tube drilling
Finishing after tube drilling
Finishing after tube drilling

Maximum adaptability of the abrasive belt to holes or graps in the material surface.

Demonstration Vídeos

MLW100 – Round Tube Wet Finishing Machine

MLW100 Feeding System for Irregular Surface


Working capacity (Ø mm)10 - 114
No. Stations1
Abrasive belt dimensions (mm)(2x) 50x940
Abrasive belt speed (m/s)10-25
Feeding speed (m/m)1-5
Abrasive belts motor (kw)3
Wheel motor (kW)1.5
Feeding motor (kW)(2x) 0.12
Total power (kW)5
Consumption (A)14
Dimensions (mm)1280x1160x1470
Weight (kg)530
Minimum Bend ChartSee chart



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