PolermaskinerRicardo2023-12-08T12:47:31+01:00 Polermaskiner MP100 Max Ø 114mm Straight and curved tubes Round Tubes Straight and curved round tubes mirror polishing up to Ø114 with maximum flexibility and consistency. RC200 + RC250 Max Ø 256mm Straight tubes Straight round tubes Round tubes finishing and mirror polishing in one flexible machine. PP220 2K Max 220mm width Rectangular and Square Tubes Flat Bars Mirror polishing machine for rectangular tubes and flat bars up to 220mm width. PC70 2P Max 60mm Straight tubes Round and Square Tubes Round, square and rectangular mirror polishing up to 60mm with premium quality. PL40 Belt grinding Wheel polishing Single motor Manual belt grinding and polishing machine for 1 single operator. PL80 Belt grinding Wheel polishing Double motor Manual belt grinding and polishing machine for 1 or 2 operators.